Never Lose Who You Really Are Inside

never lose you

Hey my sweet friends.  So I got inspired to write this post from a show that I love…”House Of DVF”.  Now if you don’t know what that is it’s just a fashion show where Diane Von Furtenberg tries to find the next grand ambassador “(Diane Von Furstenberg‘s new show, House of DVF, will feature young contestants competing for the once-in-a-lifetime chance to work closely with the iconic designer and travel the world as a “DVF girl.” (LINK AT THE BOTTOM) This is an awesome show and if you want to read more about it, just look up her website, and I will leave another website below that talks more about it.  Anyway back to the blog post…I watched last night’s episode and she told a girl something that I really want to address today and that isDiane quotes “Don’t ever lose yourself.  Always make sure you can smile at your shadow, wink at yourself in the mirror and say Hi.”  I absolutely loved that.  Lately I feel like I have been so consumed in dealing with not being friends with a former friend, that I have let my true inner self slip away.  The things that make me (Me) were slipping away.  So recently I have been making time for myself every day, whether that is writing on this blog, playing my piano; learning a new song, playing with my son, reading, or writing in my “evening pages,” I have just been getting back to what I lost about myself.true to yourself

I have learned that by being myself, I can truly be happy because I know who I am, and I needed to be reminded of who I was, so I could be happy in this present time.  I have learned that instead of living in the past, I want to live in the NOW, and really embrace life NOW. When you lose yourself, it’s really sad and a lot of the times, it;s hard to get it back, but when you just realize that what ever it is that has made your inner self slip away, whatever it is that has just created you to be someone you are not happy with it or someone you just don’t recognize anymore, just remember that you can get it back if you really want to; it’s not impossible.  But if there is anything I have learned about finding myself, which I will do a complete blog post about, is that you never want to lose who you are.  You always want to stay true to yourself, whether that’s what you wear, or your personality, or whatever, you always want to stay true to who you are.  So be amazing, do something that makes you happy today, inspire others and STAY TRUE TO WHO YOU ARE.  That’s all for today, I hope that you got something out of this post and if some of you don’t know, I have officially moved to wordpress, so I will leave this link in the information below.  Always remember to comment below, I love to read your comments, share and follow me on my social media websites 🙂


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27 thoughts on “Never Lose Who You Really Are Inside

    • That’s very true. It is really hard, and we were friends for 9 years and then he got married, and things changed in an instant, still haven’t gotten a reason why that happened, but I have realized that it’s ok because it has helped me find myself again and just stay true to who I am.


    • Hi, thanks for stopping by. And I wonder why as well. Maybe it’s because we try so hard to please others or to just fit in with the world….who knows but it is very hard. Great comment 🙂 Be sure to check out my other posts.


  1. Ending or losing a friendship can be a big deal. A friend was just telling me today how strange it is that a close friend & I ignore each other when we are out. It is weird! Any how, I don’t like to dwell on things that I can’t change too much. Great post!


    • Thanks for stopping by. And I agree. I let it get to me for awhile but earlier last week, I just told him I didn’t want to fight anymore and his life is his life, and that if him and his significant other thought we shouldn’t be friends, then it was his loss. I was very upset, and depressed for a while but I can’t change it, and like you said, you shouldn’t dwell on things that you can’t change. Thanks for the reminder and great comment. Be sure to check out my other posts. 🙂


    • Thanks for stopping by. And I’m glad you liked it. It is a lot to think about, and what’s funny is, this tv show episode came at a great time and I don’t know I just love the quote she said and wanted to write about it and share my thoughts. Please feel free to check out my other posts. 🙂 Great comment.


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